Thursday, February 5, 2009

author's reply

Grace, I'm delighted that my book inspired you and I'm thrilled to have you as a fan. I also think it's great that you are interested in writing as an outlet for the creativity that you can't use in your job. Here's my advice: Becoming a competent writer begins with being an avid reader. Pick up a copy of my book Verbal Advantage and follow my five principles for effective reading (the discussion begins on page 58). A good writer also needs a large and precise vocabulary, and Verbal Advantage can help you with that; you may also be interested in my two vocabulary-building novels, Tooth and Nail and Test of Time. Finally, don't let your desire to write something substantial stand in the way of simply beginning to write. To write well you have to accept that there will be many false starts, many failures, and a hell of a lot of hard work. So start small. Keep a journal. Write to your friends and family. Write short poems and prose pieces. And above all, follow the Knickerbocker Rule: "Apply ass to chair." You must be diligent and patient if you want to succeed. Good words to you! -- Charlie Harrington Elster

It was written three years ago. Reading it again refuels me to keep going.

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